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DRAS Job Vacancies

Disability Rights Advocacy Service (DRAS)

DRAS is part of the national network of Disability Advocacy Services funded by the Australian Government.  DRAS provides individual and systemic advocacy support for people with disabilities, their families and their carers.  DRAS operates from offices in Adelaide, Berri, Mount Gambier and will be opening an office in Port Augusta as part of this program.  


© Layanan Advokasi Hak Cipta Disabilitas 2023 |  Telepon: 08 8351 9500  |  Email:  | 

Desain oleh Wix. Situs web dibuat dan dikelola oleh Donna Crosbie



DRAS mengakui pemilik tradisional negara di seluruh Australia dan hubungan mereka yang berkelanjutan ke darat, laut, dan masyarakat.

Kami mengakui dan menghormati warisan budaya, kepercayaan, dan hubungan mereka dengan tanah air,

dan kami menghormati para Sesepuh baik di masa lalu, masa kini, dan masa depan.

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